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Six things you should do with your baby if he cries a lot

Dealing with a crying baby

Six things you should do with your baby if he cries a lot

Six things you should do with your baby if he cries a lot

1- Ignore him when he starts crying, he will raise his voice more until he is sure that it will not help him.

2- Try to avoid constantly talking to him in the imperative form

3- Let him take care of the hobbies that distract him a lot, away from the use of electronic devices, such as drawing and installing games….

4- Explain to the child how he should behave and ask for what he wants and negotiate without crying or screaming, even if you have to persuade him to use a more assertive method.

5- Constant encouragement and praise improves the child’s psyche by a very large percentage.

6- After the child calms down and after you have ignored him, ask him about the reasons for his crying and to think about them.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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