
Horoscopes may cause you psychological complexes

Horoscopes may cause you psychological complexes

Not all minds are identical with each other, nor are the personalities compatible, nor are the actions that people perform the same. Some people accept the difference and some people do not accept it silently and some do not accept the difference with others with clear denunciation and express it in a stinging way.. so who are the constellations that do not Accept the difference of others from it and cause them psychological knots?


A lot of slander and criticism of small and big important and unimportant things, makes the opposite person think that he is not fit to do anything and convinces him of failure and uselessness.

The scorpion 

He watches silently until he waits for the appropriate opportunity to attack everyone who differs from him or disagrees with him and makes the other think that his difference from him is his difference from the ideal rules of the natural person, which makes the other person's confidence shake himself.


He is always critical at all levels and thinks that he lives within a cycle of annoying and useless people, and that he is the only one right, so he annoys others by criticizing him and convincing them that they are bad.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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