
You can increase your intelligence through diet

You can increase your intelligence through diet

You can increase your intelligence through diet

Diet affects our brains

In this area, a new study has confirmed that the diet we follow can affect our brains, stressing that some foods may make us smarter.

The dietary choices of more than 181 participants registered in the UK Biobank database (Biobank) were analyzed, and their physical assessments were reviewed, including cognitive functions, blood test results, and brain MRI, according to the newspaper “The Independent.” British.

The participants were also divided into 4 groups: those who ate starch-free or low-starch meals, vegetarians, those who preferred to eat high-protein and low-fiber meals, and people who ate a balanced diet.

The results confirmed that people who follow a balanced diet have better results in terms of their mental health, and were superior in cognitive function tests compared to people in the other three groups.

The researchers indicated in their study that followers of a balanced diet achieved higher levels of gray matter in the brain, which is linked to intelligence, compared to people who follow less diverse diets.

They explained that a balanced diet includes a balanced amount of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, dairy products, eggs and fish.

In turn, the lead author of the study, Professor Jianfeng Feng, from the University of Warwick in Britain, believed that the study sheds light on how food preferences affect not only physical health, but also brain health.

He stressed the importance of following a healthy and balanced diet from an early age.

healthy food options

It is noteworthy that the study, which was published in the journal “Nature Mental Health,” indicated the need for gradual modifications in the diet, especially for those who are accustomed to eating delicious foods with low nutritional benefits.

It turns out that by slowly reducing their intake of sugars and fats over time, people may find themselves naturally gravitating toward healthier food choices, according to the study.

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Ryan Sheikh Mohammed

Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Relations Department, Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Topography Department - Tishreen University Trained in self-development

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